Mt. Pleasant: The History

       Lewis Craig and his brother, Elijah, lived and preached among the Separate Baptists of Virginia.  Craig served as pastor of the Spotsylvania Church, which was organized in 1767.  Because of religious persecution, Lewis and many of his church migrated to Kentucky as the "Traveling Church" in 1781.  They brought with them some of the furnishings, the old Bible, and the communion set.
     They reached Gilbert's Creek, one-half mile from the present site of Lancaster, establishing "Craig's Station." They stayed there for approximately two years before Craig and most of the church moved to South Elkhorn, which is about five miles from Lexington

      Several of the church members settled in the small town of Keene, where continued preaching led to the fourth Saturday of August 1801 (as shown in the primary source to the left). With 100 members, they soon bought a lot and built their church building near the home of the first pastor, George S. Smith, a distinguished citizen who had helped frame the first Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.  
     Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church is affiliated with the Elkhorn Baptist Association, the Kentucky Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention.

Mt. Pleasant Today

The believers gather together to worship each Sunday and Wednesday- and sometimes in between!  We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and that we can enter a covenant relationship with God because of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.  Mt. Pleasant is the place where the many gather to worship the One! We enjoy fellowship with one another, and are working together to further the Gospel.